A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-Seven-Hundred-And-Seventy-Six
I think that I have come to understand the shape for one of the novels I am writing. I mean, I have a sense of how the plot is going to work, and where the book is going to end. Really, calling it a plot is not all that reasonable. I don't think there is going to be a lot of events building up towards the end, but there is a twist that changes things. I am not entirely certain about every detail at this point, as there are two possibilities, but they are both built around the same general idea, so I don't really need to decide right away. I was second-guessing the idea for a bit, if I am honest, but I think that was mostly because I recognize that it isn't entirely realistic, if one examines the concept a bit too much, but I don't think that really matters. I am not trying to write a realistic piece of fiction. The premise is largely ridiculous, I think, so why be concerned about the logistics of the ending? What matters is making it work for a reader. If the resonance is there, it is easy to accept what is presented without such concerns, or at least that is what I am hoping. If I get through and find it is not working, I can always find a way to rework it so it does.
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