A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-Seven-Hundred-And-Seventy-Two
I don't want to get into the specifics, but I had a bit of a difficult day today. There were a number of different aspects to it, some to do with family, some connected with my writing and related efforts. I feel like a simple mistake meant that I wasted a bunch of time today, and not just my own, unfortunately, and it is very frustrating, especially since this would have been a major step in completing one of my ongoing projects for the moment, which would have been very helpful. I have been feeling so overwhelmed with things and I think it might have helped to know that there was one less thing to deal with. I know that it can't be helped at this point and that it will take doing the work over again, and I am upset about that. I wish that I felt more capable of expressing those feelings, but I find, so often, that my negative emotions are met with hostility and rejection even when they are valid. I found it difficult to even write about this here, even these very vague terms.
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