A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-Seven-Hundred-And-Fifty
I have become quite good at focusing on my writing and keeping myself on track with it, but I have to admit that many other responsibilities in my life have not been getting the same degree of attention or dedication, and I need to find a way to get on top of that. There are ways in which I have begun to take action in some of this, but a lot of it feels quite overwhelming at the moment and even the simplest tasks can feel daunting and impossible. I'm dealing with it as best I can, but I recognize that I have been struggling in some ways. At the same time, I think that this is the first time I am really able to even recognize the truth of this and admit it to myself, so I take that as a positive sign. I have to remember that I was not always this committed to my work, so I can develop good habits and make them stick, it is just a matter of making the choice and motivating myself to stick with it.
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