A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-Five-Hundred-And-Forty-Six

I have been struggling with my writing tonight.  I sat down at the computer and spent a long time not yet writing.  I knew that I had sat down at my desk to do my work, but I just didn't start.  Eventually, I opened up word and set out to begin, but even then it was not coming.  Eventually, though, I told myself that I just needed to do a sentence or so, anything at all, and then I could move on.  I would still have other writing to do, of course, but I could approach it the same way.  This took the pressure off and it helped me, at least a bit, to get something done.  I know that the work I did on my non-fiction tonight was pretty minimal, and I did add a bit to the new novel that I feel good about, but I didn't compose a particularly long passage tonight.  The truth is, though, that I don't feel like I need to push myself beyond this.  The real key to getting the work done is just having that commitment and consistency.  I know that, even if I only make a small amount of progress on any one day, if I am working on it persistently, I will get there, and probably a lot sooner than I anticipate.  It is just a matter of keeping with it, even if it is just one sentence some nights. 


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