A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-Four-Hundred-And-Eighty-Nine
I am starting to get excited about the idea I have for this potential new novel. It is funny how a small shift of the sort I discussed last night can start to open things up. Today, I kept thinking about this idea and there is a great deal that has started to come into shape for me. As I said, I am thinking of it in a very different way than before, even though the actual story is the same. In essence, I am shifting the tone and perspective, but it is also a shift in the kind of reality that surrounds the story. It felt, for a while, important that it reflect a certain kind of realism, and, with that, a certain perspective on the world. Now, I am recognizing a much more interesting set of possibilities, and have moved towards a more satirical slant that allows the ideas I have had all along to work in a way that I hadn't considered before. I think I am starting to really understand what I am going for with this piece, and it feels far more exciting than before. In some ways, that kind of worries me, as I had begun this with the idea of attempting to write a more commercially viable piece of fiction and my interests are often not in that same direction, but I still feel like I am keeping that in mind and developing a marketable piece of fiction for once.
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