A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-Four-Hundred-And-Seventy-Eight
I am having a bit of difficulty with figuring out how to end the prose piece I am working on right now. I think that I have made the major points that are necessary for the piece to be effective, but it still doesn't feel complete to me. It may just be that it is a different kind of piece than I am accustomed to writing, where their isn't a real synthesis in the conclusion because things don't need to be brought together in that way. It may also be that their is more I know needs to be written before I have it all. I want to trust that intuition and keep plugging away until I find it, though I also realize it can just be an excuse to never finish. Another part of me thinks it is really just a matter of putting a last spin on things and concluding it. Maybe it is not about anything more than creating a sense of finality.
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