A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-Four-Hundred-And-Thirty-Three

I wish that I were writing more fiction at the moment.  I am working a great deal, writing poetry and prose each day, and I feel that much of the work I am doing is quite good.  Even so, I cannot help but want to craft more stories.  I am not certain why it is I find fiction both so alluring and so difficult, but I know I should get back to it.  I have had a few ideas for stories, but it has been months since I worked on any of them.  I think it would be good to start adding some fiction into my daily schedule again, but I am hesitant.  I don't always feel I can just jump into the fiction work in the same way.  I know that, if I get myself started on something, I will be able to follow through, but getting to that point where I am in the work is not always so simple.  Maybe if I found a book of decent prompts to work through or something it would help me?  I know the real truth is that I just need to get myself going and then I will be fine, so prompts can be a big help, at least if I can connect with them enough to give the process a real chance.


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