Poem: There Was A Time When I Would Dance

There Was A Time When I Would Dance

The music and I would meet and breath each other,
my feet and shoulder, my arms.  If I had a partner,
I could make them know my motions
before it was due.  I was present
with each beat and note and whatever lay between.
I twirled and spun on a toe when it struck my fancy,
swam through the air, danced around the room
and around the other dancers.  
I do not know why it stopped.
I do not know what happened
that I do not dance so much, now.
I do not know.  I should get back to it,
like so many things
I did once and stopped
for unknown reasons.
I should do it again,
I keep saying to myself,
meaning it, but not enough to do a thing.
I suppose that, too,
can be called
another kind of dance.


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