A Writer's Notebook, Day One-Thousand-One-Hundred-And-Ninety-Eight
I have been thinking about the idea of creating a better strategy for getting submissions out. I think I might have an idea, though it does not address all the issues I face, but it might provide a framework to motivate me and keep it somewhat manageable. To be honest, as I try to describe it here, it feels silly to me. This is not to say it isn't useful or won't be an effective method, but I recognize it as being rather absurd and, perhaps, illogical. Basically, it boils down to sending out two new submissions for every rejection I receive. These can be the same packet of work, or a new packet instead, depending. The idea is sort of based on thinking about it in a sort of gambling analogy, where each chance is equal. It is trying to create a sense of building and moving forward, even if only by feeling I am increasing the chances of my work being published. It may be silly, but I hope it might be a useful strategy that can help me to manage some of what makes this process so difficult for me.
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