A Writer's Notebook, Day Nine-Hundred-And-Seventy-Five
I've been contemplating ideas for how to go rogue as a poet and use guerilla tactics to get my work out there. I've been working hard to get things going in traditional ways, and I am still making that effort, but I have to wonder what I can do to take initiative for myself, and how I can do that in a way that is truly my own. I can imagine printing up poems and getting them out there. In high school, I went to a bookstore and discovered a book that wasn't part of the stores inventory. It had been dropped onto the shelf for whoever found it, with a note from the author explaining this. I don't think I would want to do that, exactly, but the idea of distributing books for free is one I want to explore. I like the idea of creating some sort of mystery around the work somehow, with it coming from nowhere. The point is to do something theatrical that people will notice. As a some-time magician, I have to wonder at making it a sort of trick. I do not know if any of this makes sense to anyone but me, to be honest, but I feel good attempting to find alternatives to what has not worked so far.
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