A Writer's Notebook, Day Seven-Hundred-And-Nineteen
While it is late, and I am still completing my work for today, I am also pleased to say that I got to work early today. This morning, just after waking, I came up to my office and began to work on some new poems. I did not do all my work at that time, but the point was not to get all my work done at once, early in the day, at least not for the moment. I want to rebuild my routine, and today was the first in a long while when I went to work that early.
In addition to my usual writing, I also sent out several new submissions. It is nice to have my active submissions a bit higher than my rejections, but the feeling that I am just setting myself up for more is very present when I am sending out the work. It will be a real shock to me when I finally do receive an acceptance, at this point, considering how pessimistic my experiences have made me at this point. I know that I need to change this, and it does not seem possible to do that in any way that is positive, though I am not going into that again at the moment. I just know I need to figure out how to get into a place where I feel more optimistic about things, but I can only think of things I know that do not work, and am uncertain how to get practical help.
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