A Writer's Notebook, Day Seven-Hundred-And-Four
It has been a strange day, waiting and preparing for the hurricane which has not really come. It is often that way. My fiance and I were discussing how she had friends ask about her fear of moving down here into an area prone to hurricanes from New York. This was after Sandy, and she couldn't help but think that more storms had hit up north than down here in the time we had been dating. That is not to say that we have never gotten an actual storm, but much of the time it has been a lot of preparation and nothing much has come of it. Anyhow, most of today was spent doing things in order to be prepared, but I did get some writing done as well, both in terms of the story I've been working on and my poetry. I think I am ready to start pushing myself again, and am hoping to get myself back onto a more rigorous writing schedule Monday.
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