Poem: Animal Uprising

Animal Uprising

Who would blame them
if the animals started
to organize, to create
there own resistance
to the overwhelming
existential threat
that is the human race? 

Imagine it,
all of them getting
together, deer and mice
and cows, cats would
probably go for it,
though dogs might
hold out until
the food shortages.
Imagine the blockades,
herds standing in the road
refusing to move.  We

would not have a real
chance, not if they
were all involved, if
the insects got on board,
the rats, the spiders.

At sea, whales could throw
aside their enmity
with the giant squid
at least long enough
to take down a few tankers
or shipping vessels.  Maybe
they could even get
the plants on board,
after all, they are
the real power
of everything, those
plants, the one's
who feed themselves
upon what the sun provides.


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