
A Writer's Notebook, Two-Thousand-Three-Hundred-And-Thirty-Eight

I am quite glad to have been able to get myself to do my work early tonight, as I am still feeling rather tired.  It's been a long day, though I spent most of it around the house, to be honest.  This is probably the first quiet day that I've had this week, so perhaps it is understandable that I am still feeling some level of exhaustion at the moment.

Poem: I do not have good answers for your questions

I do not have good answers for your questions They are not things I ever considered before we met, though I should have. I realize it was never much different than this but it was how things had always been. Now, I have  your perspective, too.

A Writer's Notebook, Two-Thousand-Three-Hundred-And-Thirty-Seven

So, I woke up early this morning under the belief that I had an appointment at half-past eight, but I was wrong.  It was not until one in the afternoon.  I actually have the eight-thirty appointment tomorrow morning, which is not a problem, really, but I am quite tired at this point, as I did get out of bed a bit after six today.  Seeing as I intend to do the same tomorrow, I am planning to get to bed quite soon.

Poem: I like it, though it is strange

I like it, though it is strange I should not have used, "though," because I do not mean strange in any way that contradicts my liking it, because it being strange is not a bad thing or a good one, either, is not meant to determine the value, but is a value it presents, a quaIity, right, and that is not me saying anything about what is good or bad but just that it is not the expected  or typical or ordinary or other things that mean the same general thing. I like it being strange, I think, or I like it and it is strange, which may be a bit different, but if I can't tell which is right I don't know that it matters much.

A Writer's Notebook, Two-Thousand-Three-Hundred-And-Thirty-Six

I am feeling quite tired at the moment, and it has been a somewhat long and busy day.  I am glad to be wrapping up with my writing for tonight so that I can try and get myself to sleep a bit early, especially as I am supposed to be at the gym at 8:30 for a training session.

Poem: I made him mad

I made him mad and it is not wrong for him to feel that, to think what he thinks, to be offended by what happened or did not happen or what that means, what I communicated by my failure.  I do not have a good excuse and am not offering any. It was not intended, but that means little, I suppose.  I hope he can understand and forgive.

A Writer's Notebook, Two-Thousand-Three-Hundred-And-Thirty-Five

Melissa was still not feeling so great when she got up this morning but I think she is doing better tonight.  I am hoping she will be back to normal tomorrow.  Really, it isn't all that clear just what was wrong, as she didn't have a fever.  Fortunately, she seems to be getting better.  I suspect it may have been largely stress related, as we have been dealing with a number of complicated matters recently.